Inspector Gadget is a Canadian/American animated television series produced by DHX Media. The series made its debut on January 3, 2015, in France, followed by the official premiere in 2015 on Teletoon. The show was announced on June 11, 2013, with 26 episodes. The series is a sequel to the original Inspector Gadget, which aired from 1983 to 1986. The final episode premiered in 2018.
The series stars a now 15 year old Penny (though not the first incarnation to do so), who is now an agent in training with The Brain as her new assistant. When Dr. Claw is thawed out of an iceberg and reactivates MAD, Inspector Gadget is brought out of retirement and is back on the beat to stop Claw once again, but this time, with Penny and the Brain by his side. A new character in this series is Dr. Claw's nephew, Talon who Penny is in love with. Unlike the original series, this series is a lot more comical and Claw is portrayed as a lot less evil and intelligent than he used to be.
Cast and Characters[]
- Inspector Gadget (Ivan Sherry)
- Penny (Tara Strong)
- Brain (Scott McCord)
- Chief Quimby (Derek McGrath)
- Dr. Claw (Martin Roach)
- Professor Von Slickstein (Scott McCord)
- Talon (Lyon Smith)
- Kayla (Katie Griffin)
- Nigel St. De La Peppertone III Esquire IV (Rob Tinkler)
M.A.D. Agents (in process)[]
- MADthew Strong (Cory Doran)
- Commander MADhail (Cory Doran)
- Corsetta Camisole (Alyson Court)
- MADalena (Stacey DePass)
- Mac MacIntosh (Scott McCord)
- Dr. MADtana Dan (Scott McCord)
- Cuckoo Clockmaker (Ron Pardo)
- Mayor of Friendsburg (Cory Doran)
- Detective Data (Alyson Court)
- The MADgician (Ron Pardo)
- MADison Bon Trapp (Julie Lemieux)
- Cheekster (Rob Tinkler)
- Malicious (Alyson Court)
1 | "Gadget 2.0" | |||
2 | "Towering Towers / Game Over, Man" | |||
3 | "Rock Out / Strike A Pose" | |||
4 | "A Better Class of MAD / Cough Due to Claw" | |||
5 | "Dog Show Days Are Over / One Bad Apple" | |||
6 | "Sucks Like MAD / A Claw for Talon" | |||
7 | "Gadget’s Da Bomb / Gadget Managment" | |||
8 | "Diamonds are a MAD’s Best Friend / Ticked Off" | |||
9 | "You Know the Drill / Operation HQ Reunion" | |||
10 | "A Hole in One / Operation Hocus Pocus" | |||
11 | "MAD Carpet Ride / Appy Days" | |||
12 | "Colliderscope / She Got Dangerous Game" | |||
13 | "My Gadget Will Go On / The Gadgetator" | |||
14 | "Head Case / Start Your Gadgets" | |||
15 | "Mind Over MADder / Train-ing Day" | |||
16 | "Ice Ice Yeti / MAD Soaker" | |||
17 | "The Fountain Of Cortez / Evil U" | |||
18 | "WereBrain Of London / Airhead To The Throne" | |||
19 | "Lost In The Lost City Of Atlantis / A Penny Saved" | |||
20 | "Double O'Penny / We Heart Gadget" | |||
21 | "Tiny Talon Time / The FellowSHEEP Of The Ring" | |||
22 | "A Clawruption / Forever MAD" | |||
23 | "Beyond Gadgetdome / Brain Drain" | |||
24 | "What is....The MADtrix? / The Most Extreme Gadget Challenge" | |||
25 | "Pyramid Scheme / Back to the MAD Future" | |||
26 | "Tool Russia with Love / Low Speed" | |||
27 | "Jurassic Jerk / Assistant Chief McFibber" | |||
28 | "Drone Of Silence / Grow Like MAD" | |||
29 | "MAD Money / Baking Bad" | |||
30 | "Tempest In A Teacup / Mr. Security" | |||
31 | "Cooking With Claw / Catnipped In A Bud" | |||
32 | "Cuckoo For Talon / Fayre Game" | |||
33 | "Picnic Pests / Talent Show Off" | |||
34 | "Gadget & Oatsfunkle / Metro City's Sinking" | |||
35 | "The Lady And The Vamp / The Walking Head Cold" | |||
36 | "Get Smarts / Escape Room With A View" | |||
37 | "Who Do Voodoo / Midnight MADness" | |||
38 | "Gadg-ED / See You Later, Alligator" | |||
39 | "Rain Of Terror / The Truth Is Under There" | |||
40 | "Frienemy Of The State / MADhenge" | |||
41 | "The Claw Who Stole Christmas / The Thingy" | |||
42 | "The Talon-ted Mr. Colin / MADzilla" | |||
43 | "Anti-gravity / Too Many Talons" | |||
44 | "Star Power / Panda-monium" | |||
45 | "Under the MADnight Sun / Skyrates Off the Starboard Bow!" | |||
46 | "Fate It ‘Til You Make It / Once Upon A Screentime" | |||
47 | "The MADstache of Professor Coin / MADthuselah" | |||
48 | "The Heir Affair / Parched Nemesis" | |||
49 | "Trees Company / MADtrack" | |||
50 | "The Missionball Ball / Tell Me What Sphinx" | |||
51 | "Harmageddon / Do No Arm" | |||
52 | "Inspector Gadget Goes To Jail / We Had A Really Good Title For This One... But We Forgot It" |
On December 4, 2014, it was announced that the series would air on Boomerang's international channels in 2015. The series premiered on Boomerang in France on January 3, 2015 and in Australia on January 5, 2015. In Germany, it debuted on Super RTL on January 9, 2015. The show premiered on January 14 in the Middle East and Africa. In the Netherlands, Inspector Gadget started airing on February 2. In the United States, originally intended to air on Cartoon Network, on February 26, it was announced that Inspector Gadget will be available exclusively through Netflix.
The show premiered in Canada on Télétoon on September 1, 2015 and on Teletoon on September 7, 2015[1].
This received mixed reviews from Inspector Gadget fans. Some didn’t like it because of the wackier tone, the shift to CG, and throwing away the 22 minute story format, but some fans have been able to embrace the series itself.
Title Screen[]
External links[]
- Official website at DHX Media
- German TV Guide at
Languajes: Spanish:Inspector Gadget (Serie de Televisión del 2015)