The original theme song of CBS's animated television series Inspector Gadget. The theme song's music was composed by Shuki Levy and Haim Saban. It is considered by many to be one of the most iconic and most recognizable theme songs in the world. In the 2015 revival, has a new theme, but not with Shuki Levy. The theme song's intro was animated by Bruno Bianchi's company.
The intro begins with a car's siren. Gadget sees something different, helping and climbing. Penny is replying to her watch. Gadget's dog is on Penny's watch. Gadget meets Dr. Claw. At the end, the series' logo appears with the upside-down Gadget.
- The theme is stated to have been inspired by Norwegian composer Edvard Greig’s piece “Hall of the Mountain King.”
- In the 2015 revival, the new opening incorporates elements from the 1983 one[1]